In office dental whitening offers fast and effective results for Pembroke Pines, FL, patients

If it takes a few cups of coffee to wake you up in the morning or if you frequently enjoy relaxing with a glass of red wine at night, it’s likely that your teeth have lost some of their sparkle and shine. Dark foods and beverages can stain your teeth, leaving them dingy or discolored. While there are many options available in the toothpaste aisle of your favorite grocery store, these over the counter treatments often don’t give patients the full results they desire. Additionally, they can be messy, hard to use, and can miss parts of your teeth if they are not applied correctly.
Dr. Milton Ruiz of Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL, offers laser teeth whitening services in his office. This professional cleaning and whitening treatment can give you the whiter teeth and younger smile that you’ve waited for in a single session. Compared to over-the-counter solutions, this whitening process offers patients great benefits.
- Quick results – Patients can achieve a dramatic improvement in their smile in a single office visit as the prescription gel is activated with a laser light. Typically, the appointment lasts less than two hours.
- Greater control and customized results – Professional teeth whitening sessions that are held under the supervision of a trained dentist are better for ensuring that you get the results you want and deserve. The team will carefully apply the gel to make sure it doesn’t damage the tooth’s enamel or cause sensitivity to the gums. Further, the dental team can monitor how quickly the teeth are being lightened to make sure that you achieve the right shade.
- Safe – The whitening procedures are not just effective, they are safe and pain-free. If you’re prone to teeth sensitivity, a buffering agent can be added to the whitening solution to better protect your teeth.
The best time to begin your whitening treatments is after a professional cleaning to ensure that your teeth are clean and free from plaque and bacteria. If your teeth aren’t as white as you want them to be because of drinking dark beverages, smoking, or simple aging, call Dr. Milton Ruiz of Pines Dental Associates at (954) 715-4660 today.
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