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Yellow Star

Traditional Braces

with Dr. Milton Ruiz

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Traditional braces are orthodontic appliances with brackets, wires, and bands.

They are used to align and straighten teeth, providing a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Traditional braces are suitable for individuals of all ages who require comprehensive orthodontic treatment.

They address dental issues such as overcrowded teeth, misalignments, and bite irregularities.

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Consultation with Dr. Milton Ruiz

The process involves a consultation with Dr. Milton Ruiz, who will  assess your oral health, discuss treatment goals, and create a  customized treatment plan.

The braces are then placed on your teeth, and regular adjustments are made to achieve the desired results.

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Proper care is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and gums during orthodontic treatment.

This includes regular brushing, flossing, and using specialized tools  like interdental brushes and floss threaders to clean around the braces.

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Contact  Dr. Milton Ruiz

Contact Dr. Milton Ruiz's office today to start your journey to a  straighter smile with traditional braces. Our dedicated team will guide  you through the process and provide excellent orthodontic care.