Prepare yourself for the

in life with

most precious moments

Snap-On Smile!

Dr. Milton Ruiz

can give you the smile of your dreams in Pembroke Pines, FL.

Talk to us about

Pines Dental Associates

Removable veneers made of dental resin that cover teeth to improve their look.

They are perfect for gapped, stained, chipped, fractured, missing, or crooked teeth.

What is Snap-On Smile?

It takes just two appointments: At the first, you select your style, and Dr. Ruiz takes impressions.

Your veneers are fabricated in a lab. You return for fitting in about three weeks.

Quick and easy process

Most people adapt quickly to speaking and smiling with the Snap-On Smile.

You can enjoy most food and beverages, except gum or chewy foods. Wear it all day or on special occasions.

Enjoy daily activities with Snap-On Smile.

If you live in and around Pembroke Pines, Miramar, Cooper City, or Hollywood in Florida,


Pines Dental Associates for your smile transformation.

Contact us