Yearning for a celebrity smile that will get you places?

It’s not a dream anymore. 

By Dr. Milton Ruiz

Contact Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL, to learn about 

veneers, the simple way to upgrade your smile.


How can veneers help you?

Handcrafted to exact design and shading specifications,

You can achieve results in just two appointments!

What to expect

Our doctors decide if veneers are your solution after an exam.

Impressions of your mouth are taken, and you can select the preferred shade.

Then your teeth are prepped by removing some enamel.

Porcelain vs. composite resin veneers

Porcelain veneers are durable and long-lasting.

While not as durable as porcelain, they can also last long with good care.

But same-day veneers made of composite resin are faster and more economical.

Contact us for your Hollywood Smile!

have the expertise to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.


for your appointment.

Drs. Milton Ruiz and Maria Isabel Guevara