Dentist in Pembroke Pines offers oral appliance therapy for obstructive sleep apnea treatment

Common sleeping disorders such as insomnia and narcolepsy are more well-known conditions, but they are not the only ones that can impact your sleep. Dr. Milton Ruiz sees many patients at his Pembroke Pines, FL, dental practice who are dealing with another type of sleeping disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea causes a patient to stop breathing hundreds of times during the night, keeping their body from achieving the restorative levels of sleep required to feel well-rested the following day. This can impact one’s day-to-day lifestyle and activities dramatically. Our dentist is committed to offering a solution that can help with oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea.
What is oral appliance therapy?
Most patients who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, are told by their doctor that they should wear a CPAP machine at night. This device includes a mask that fits on the face and is connected to a machine that maintains open airways as patients sleep. This allows the REM stages to be reached at night for better function the following day. However, wearing this device is uncomfortable, and many patients stop complying with treatment.
Instead, patients with a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea should ask their dentist about oral appliance therapy. This is the use of a special oral device that is worn as patients’ sleep. The device keeps the tongue down and the jaw aligned to maintain open airways during sleep. It is custom-designed for the patient’s smile to ensure proper fit and function. This also keeps it comfortable, which increases patient compliance.
What are the benefits of oral appliance therapy?
Oral appliance therapy is:
- Affordable
- Custom-made
- Comfortable
- Effective
- Easy to use
- Easy to clean
- Easy to travel with
Are you considering oral appliance therapy?
Obstructive sleep apnea does not have to impact your life. If you have been diagnosed with OSA and are unhappy with the use of a CPAP machine, it may be time to contact a dentist who offers a more comfortable solution. Dr. Milton Ruiz and his associates can be reached by calling (954) 715-4660 to request an appointment and discuss solutions at the office, conveniently located at 1541 North Palm Avenue.
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