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1541 North Palm Avenue
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

The Unpleasant Truth of Not Replacing Missing Teeth With Quality Dental Implants From Dentist in Pembroke Pines, FL

The Unpleasant Truth of Not Replacing Missing Teeth With Quality Dental Implants From Dentist in Pembroke Pines, FL Area

While a missing tooth may seem like no big deal, not replacing a lost tooth (or teeth) can have a catastrophic effect on your overall dental health. Issues including shifting teeth and jawbone degeneration are just two dental health complications that can arise when a tooth is not replaced after being lost. Dr. Milton Ruiz and the team at Pines Dental in Pembroke Pines, FL offer dental implants for patients looking to fill those gaps in their smile caused by missing teeth. Replacing missing teeth with implants is not just a cosmetic issue. Failure to replace a missing tooth can … Continue reading

Patients in Pembroke Pines, FL Are Learning How the Invisalign Clear Aligner Treatment System Works

Patients Are Leaning How the Invisalign Clear Aligner Treatment System Works in Pembroke Pines, FL Area

Your smile is everything to you. It is the first thing most people will notice about you. If you have misaligned teeth, an over or underbite, or teeth which are crowded, you should consider Invisalign invisible aligners. This highly successful treatment is offered by Dr. Milton Ruiz at Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL. If you have been looking for Invisalign braces near you, consider Dr. Ruiz. Treating an Underbite or Overbite Invisalign is a treatment that does more than just move teeth into their correct position. Invisalign also works to align the bite. Even with straight teeth, if … Continue reading

Causes and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea Explained by Pembroke Pines, FL, Dentist

Causes and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea Explained by Pembroke Pines, FL Area, Dentist

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes people to have frequent, long pauses in their breathing while they are sleeping. These interrupted breathing periods can affect the supply of oxygen that your body receives and cause poor quality sleep and potentially serious health issues. While sleep apnea can affect men, women, and children, it is usually more common in adult males. Sleep apnea can lead to serious health issues, and it may be fatal, so it’s essential that residents of Pembroke Pines, FL, are aware of what it is, the cause, and the symptoms. Causes of Sleep Apnea There are three types of sleep apnea; … Continue reading

Reasons to Come in for a Dental Veneers Procedure in Pembroke Pines, FL

Reasons to Come in for a Dental Veneers Procedure in Pembroke Pines, FL Area

Maintaining healthy teeth and a nice smile is very important and can help someone stay healthy and look great. While all people should focus on brushing their teeth at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and seeing a dentist for regular cleanups, there are times when additional support is needed. For those that have chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, coming in for a dental veneers procedure could be a great option. Pembroke Pines, FL, residents will find a few different benefits in opting for dental veneers.  Easy Way to Repair Teeth If you ever experience tooth trauma through a crack … Continue reading

Dentist in Pembroke Pines Educates on ClearCorrect Treatment Option and its Benefits

Dentist in Pembroke Pines Area Educates on ClearCorrect Treatment Option and its Benefits

Are you looking for the right solution that will provide you with a straighter, more aligned smile? You have surely seen Invisalign’s commercials and may think that is the only option available to dental patients like you. This is absolutely not true! Dr. Milton Ruiz and the team provide options to patients who come into Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL. Dr. Ruiz offers ClearCorrect treatment options, which provides flexibility to each and every patient. The ClearCorrect is not only convenient and flexible but also incredibly easy for patients to use. The ClearCorrect treatment consists of transparent plastic aligners so that … Continue reading

Reputed Dentist in Pembroke Pines Offering Dental Bridges Treatment

Reputed Dentist in Pembroke Pines Area Offering Dental Bridges Treatment

As you age, maintaining perfectly healthy teeth can be a challenge. Teeth tend to weaken as you age. This is no different than other parts of your body, including your skin, hair, and bones. A weakening of the teeth can result in tooth loss. If you consume food and drink that is harsh on teeth or if you fail to maintain proper oral hygiene, you will also find yourself facing dental issues. If you have lost teeth for any reason, dental bridges treatment can provide you with many benefits in Pembroke Pines, FL. Dr. Milton Ruiz and the team at Pines Dental Associates … Continue reading

Dental hygiene tips for the whole family from your trusted Pembroke Pines, FL dentist

Dental Hygiene Tips for the Whole Family from Your Trusted Pembroke Pines, FL Area Dentist

Oral health care is a critical part of your overall health and wellness. Not only are your teeth an important part of your appearance, but the health of your mouth can also impact the health of your body. The good news is that patients can often control their oral health and keep it strong with good dental hygiene at home and regular checkups with their dentist. Dr. Milton Ruiz of Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL, provides the following tips for the whole family: Brush and floss – There is a reason that dentists feel so strongly about brushing … Continue reading

Pembroke Pines dentist helps patients improve their smiles with a professional dental whitening procedure

In Pembroke Pines Area Dentist Helps Patients Improve Their Smiles with a Professional Dental Whitening Procedure

Do you feel like everyone else’s smile sparkles just a bit more than yours? If so, you are not alone. Many adult dental patients wish their teeth were a little brighter, and their smile a little more confident. Now it can be. Dr. Milton Ruiz of Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL, has helped many patients remove stains, address discoloration, or brighten their teeth with a professional dental whitening procedure. Is teeth whitening for me? Teeth can become stained or lose their shine for many reasons. Some of the most common include: Drinking dark beverages: Coffee may be what … Continue reading

Looking at Sleep Apnea Treatment Options Offered by Dentist in Pembroke Pines, Including Mandibular Splints

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options at Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines Area

Treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, also called OSA, has traditionally been administered using a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machine. A CPAP machine has traditionally been the go-to treatment, but many individuals find it difficult to sleep using this form of treatment. Modern treatment for obstructive sleep apnea now includes an alternative treatment called a mandibular advancement splint. This sleep apnea treatment option is being offered by Dr. Milton Ruiz at Pines Dental Associates, in Pembroke Pines, FL. If you have sleep apnea and ever thought to yourself – I wonder if there is an alternative treatment for OSA … Continue reading

A Dental Implant from a Dentist in Pembroke Pines Makes the Difference to Saving Your Jawbone

Dental Implants Dentist at Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines Area

If you are missing one or several teeth, there are several options available to you for replacing them. Choices that have been around for a long time include bridges or dentures, which are still used by many dentists. One of the best options available, however, are dental implants. Dental implants can restore both the functionality and appearance of your smile thanks to how secure they are and the pleasant appearance they provide. Dr. Milton Ruiz and the team at Pines Dental Associates in Pembroke Pines, FL, have been placing dental implants with great success and welcome you to come in … Continue reading

Success Stories

"Their doctors and staff are so nice and informative. This is something hard to come by when I go to dentist appointments."
"Their attention to detail is unmatched and I have to say, my teeth could not have looked better in years!"